Singapore Public Holidays
The Singapore Employment Act acknowledges that some people may be required to work on a public holiday due to the nature of their job. In such cases, the employee should be paid an extra day’s salary and get a different day off in lieu of the public holiday they missed. Sometimes a public holiday in Singapore falls on a rest day or non-working day. In this case, the next working day is a paid holiday.
There are certain situations where a worker would not receive public holiday pay; for example, if they have agreed with their employer a period of unpaid leave which includes the date of the holiday. However, if they are on unpaid leave the day before or after the public holiday, their holiday pay is not affected. Another reason a worker may not receive public holiday pay is if they were absent without reason on the working day before or after the public holiday.
The Employment Act is the most important piece of legislation regarding labour in Singapore. Most working people in Singapore are covered by it, but there are exceptions. The worker must be under a contract of service with their employer. This includes foreign employees living in Singapore, and the law applies regardless of how many hours they work and how regularly they are paid. However, managers and executives earning over $4, 500 per month, seafarers, domestic workers, statutory board employees and civil servants are not covered.
2015 Public holidays in Singapore
The diverse mix of cultures and religions in Singapore means the country marks many different occasions with public holidays. This includes the primary Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist holidays, and secular events such as National Day and Labour Day. Everyone whose job is covered by the nation’s Employment Act is entitled to a day off on each of these official Singapore public holidays. This ensures that no-one is forced to work on a holy day in their religion, and all of the cultures that co-exist in Singapore are celebrated and recognised equally and respectfully.
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